Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small , distinct dots of pure color are applied in pattern to form an image.Georges Securatand Paul signae developed the tecnique in 1886,branching from impressionism.The term pointillism was first coined by art critics in the late 1880 to ridicule the works of these artists , and is now usedd terms used to describe this technique of painting called pointillism.
Lukisan pertama iaitu BLOCK adalah lukisan pertama yang diajar oleh pensyarah saya iaitu En.Syazwan.Itu adalah langkah pertama sebelum kami diberi arahan untuk melukis lukisan pertama.
*The first painting is a painting of the first BLOCK taught by my lecturer that Mr.Syazwan. Its is the first step before we were given instructions to draw the first drawing.

Lukisan kedua pula ialah lukisan yang dilakukan di dalam kelas..Bahan~bahan yang digunakan ialah bahan yang diberi oleh En.Syazwan .
*The second painting is the painting was done in the classroom .. ~ Materials used materials is given by En.Syazwan material.

Lukisan bebas yang di hasilkan daripada titik-titik.Saya menghasilkan lukisan sebiji epal . Saya memilih buah epal kerana buah epal merupakan buah yang cantik untuk dilukis .
Free drawings at pointillesm.I produced from drawing an apple. I chose apples because apples are beautiful pieces of painted.
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